jeudi 20 novembre 2008

وجهات نظر مختلفة .. different points of view

how is a flower seen by a man

زهرة .. من وجهة نظر انسانية

... and by an ant ... و من... وجهة نظر نـَــمْـلــيــّــــه


10 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

hello again

Maybe it is important for oss
to see things from the ands perspective.

brastos a dit…

yes you are completely right .. things are not absolutely the same depends on the perspective from which we see it

exp : a slice of bread in the garbage of a rich family .. is the dream of a poor one

Anonyme a dit…

thanks! it´s memorable words.

ps.i have edit my alias from

khaldounia to kheldouna, hekka

mefhoum kheer..hi hi hi

brastos a dit…

AHLA khaldouna

mais votree blog demeure inaccessible

marhba beek

Anonyme a dit…

Thank You!!


i don´t have any blog yet

maybe i create one in the future.

best regards

Bongo a dit…

that's one special post indeed Brastos ..
we should use ant's perspective from time to time :D

brastos a dit…

welcome Bongo

it's a pleasure

LOUKA a dit…

I liked these photos..thank you Brastos

brastos a dit…


welcom back


Anonyme a dit…

Good gradually.